Organizing Leads
Melody Molinoff has been a DCPS parent for 11 years. She first became involved in issues related to education technology at her son's elementary school when teachers arrived to a meeting with school computers held together with duct tape and binder clips. She connected with parents from around the city to better understand the tech challenges all DC schools were facing. Together they have been pushing for baseline resources and support for every student and teacher. Melody co-chairs the Ward 3-Wilson Feeder Education Network focusing on issues like digital equity and education technology, which impact all DCPS students.
Grace Hu is a parent in Southwest DC and serves on the Local School Advisory Team at her daughter's DCPS school. She started the Digital Equity in DC Education coalition in 2018 by bringing together parents from all wards to advocate for funding and a comprehensive plan to ensure digital equity for DCPS students. Grace is a former 8th grade teacher and lifelong advocate for educational equity.
Grace Hu
Melody Molinoff
Alexandra (Alex) Simbana is a proud DCPS parent. She joined Digital Equity in DC Education to fight for ALL DCPS students to have access to quality technology to achieve their educational goals. While her most important role is mother to her three children, she brings experience from all levels of government and public service in an effort to especially help low income, communities of color and non-English speaking communities.